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Bali is the name of both an island and a province in Indonesia. The province includes the island of Bali, Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. It is located between Java and Lombok and is known for its beautiful geography, highlighting above all its rice terraces, beaches and volcanoes as well as its delicate arts such as dance, sculpture, painting, goldsmithing and a particular musical instrument called gamelan. Unlike the rest of Indonesia, Bali is the only island where the Hindu religion predominates, although in reality it is a unique religion in the world called Agama Hindu Dharma, popularly known as "Balinese Hinduism". Bali is also baptized as "The Island of the Gods" for its great devotion and religious traditions that have remained almost intact until today. Without a doubt, one of the things that most surprises the traveler upon arriving in Bali is the harmonious way in which Modernity and tradition coexist.Despite being a tourist destination, the locals have not lost an iota of their culture and their feeling of belonging to a community.

Pure magic


  • Surface : 5700

  • Length: 145km

  • Maximum width: 80 km

  • Highest point: Mount Agung (3,142m)

  • Capital: Denpasar

  • Population: 4.5 million  

  • Currency: IDR Indonesian Rupiah

  • Official language: Indonesian and Balinese

  • Religion: 84% Hindus 16% Muslims, Christians and Buddhists and Protestants.

  • Dry season: from April to October

  • Rainy season: from November to March

  • Rainiest months: January and February

  • Sunrise: 6:00 a.m. / Sunset: 6:30 p.m.

Mapa Isla Bali


The Balinese people are descendants of a prehistoric race that migrated across mainland Central Asia to the Indonesian archipelago, probably settling around 2500 BC. C. The end of the prehistoric era in Indonesia was marked by the arrival of the Hindu people, around 100 BC. c.

The Majapahit

The Hindu Majapahit Empire (1293-1520) of East Java founded a Balinese colony in 1343. The Mayapajit Empire collapsed at the end of the 15th century due to succession disputes, and its territory then passed under the control of one of its vassals, the princes of Kediri, from Central Java. In 1527, the troops of the Muslim kingdom of Demak conquered the territories dominated by the Keridi. Given the rise of Islam in the Indonesian archipelago, a large part of the aristocracy and the intellectual and artistic elites of Java took refuge in Bali, which meant an even greater contribution of the arts, literature and Hindu religion on the island. Bali became an independent kingdom in the late 15th or early 16th century, and the dynasty of Majapahit origin continued to rule Bali until 1908. The Majapahit capital in Bali was first established in the city of Samprangan, and later in Gelgel. During the reign of Gelgel, which lasted until 1650, a brilliant Javanese-influenced culture was definitively established, both in architecture, dance, theater and literature. 

Dutch Colonization

The first Europeans to arrive on the island were the Portuguese, when a Portuguese ship sank off the coast of  around 1585. In 1597 the Dutch explorer Cornelis Houtman arrived on Balinese land, who in turn claimed it for the Dutch crown. Shortly thereafter, the Dutch established a trading colony, and beginning in the 17th century, the Dutch East India Company began to trade, rivaling British merchants.

The trade of the kings of Bali with the European companies was based on the sale of slaves that they sold in exchange for opium. Slaves from Bali were highly prized; they were prisoners of war, criminals, debtors, orphans, and widows.

Between the years 1846 and 1849, a series of wars developed by the natives, including women and children, began against the Europeans, who tried to impose their regime after realizing the geographical potential that Bali had.  The dynasty of Majapahit origin continued to rule Bali until 1908, when it was eliminated by Dutch intervention that imposed Dutch rule over the island.

When the Netherlands realized the significant loss of human life, it opted to maintain a policy of cultural conservation, maintaining its identity to the maximum in order not to damage the legacy of the town. It was not until the '20s when international tourism began to have a significant presence in Bali.

World War II and independence

Bali was occupied by the Japanese army and liberated by the Allied forces in 1945. In 1946, the Dutch reoccupied the island with the aim of reestablishing their colonial administration, but they clashed with the liberation army of Colonel Gusti Ngurah Rai, whom they defeated. at the end of the same year in the battle of Marga.

In an attempt to maintain part of their former colonial empire, the Dutch then created the State of East Indonesia which included Bali, the Lesser Sunda Islands, the Celebes Islands and the Moluccan archipelago. After four years of conflict with the newly created Indonesian Republic of Sukarno, the Dutch finally handed over their colonial domains to Indonesia on December 27, 1949, at the Hague Round Table Conference.


In addition to calling it “The Island of the Gods”, some also call it “The Magic Island” mainly because of its associated religion and rituals. Bali stands out for being the only island in Indonesia where 90% of the population is Hindu, although they practice a very particular form of Hinduism known as "Balinese Hinduism", which is a compendium of Hinduism and Buddhism with animistic beliefs prior to these will take shape on the island. Take things from one and the other to merge them and create a single religion in the whole world. Below we show you a brief summary so that you can embark on an initiation journey immersing yourself in some of the most important fundamentals of his religion and philosophy of  vida. 

  • Hindu Dharma Agama

  • Agama Tirtha 

  • Melukat Ritual

  • Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa and trimurti

  • tri hita karana

  • Rwa Bhineda

  • Sekala & Niskala

ofrendas balinesas


sacerdore Bali

Agama Hindu Dharma is the form of Hinduism practiced by the majority of Bali's population and represents a different form of Hindu worship compared to Hinduism in India. Balinese Hinduism incorporates local animism, ancestor worship and reverence for Buddhist saints or Bodhisattava but also spiritism and magic which makes it a unique religion in the world. 


Alto sacerdote Bali

Balinese Hinduism is also called "Agama Tirta" (the religion of holy water) and is an interpretation of the religious ideas of China, India and Java. According to anthropologist and writer Fred Eisman, “sacred water is an agent of the power of a God, a power of a mysterious force. It can cleanse spiritual impurities, defend against evil forces, and make the recipient immune to attacks from negative forces. Strengthens and purifies everything it touches. The water may come from a sacred spring or it may be created by a high priest (Pedanda) or a common priest of a temple through the recitation of sacred mantras  or mudras (hand movements). The sacred water accompanies each act of worship of their religion, either individually in the temple of the family home or in large ceremonies in Balinese temples.


rituales Bali

The word Melukat could be translated as "purify". It is a spiritual cleansing ritual that is performed with sacred water and is part of the "Manusa Yadnya" (main life events in Balinese Hinduism). The purpose of the ritual is to purify mind, body and soul and it is believed that it is capable of healing diseases and cleansing the negativities of our karma acquired both in this life (Prarabda Karmaphala) and in past lives (Sancita Karmaphala). The ritual is carried out by bathing in waters that come from sacred springs or in rivers, waterfalls or the sea with the blessing of the supreme God Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa and with the prayer of a priest. The best time to perform the ritual is during Purnama (full moon), Tilem (new moon), on certain festivities or times when it is personally needed.


Dioses Bali
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The Supreme God according to Balinese Hinduism is called Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa (The divine order) or Acintya  (in Sanskrit "The Unimaginable, the inconceivable". This God has manifestations in Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva , three important Gods that make up what Hindus know as TRIMURTI (in Sanskrit: three forms), which is the Hindu Divine Trinity.It has its manifestation in Brahma as the creator of the Universe, in Vishnu as the preserver/caretaker and in Shiva as the destroyer of the Universe but also as a regenerator, change and transition.In reality it is about three forces that remain in balance since at no time is it possible to conceive of the creation or destruction of the Universe and its conservation is truly a power that sustains the cosmic order.This is how the Hindus conceive the Universe and that is the importance of the three main Gods in it.


Filosofía Bali

Tri Hita Karana is a traditional philosophy for life on the island of Bali. The literal translation is roughly the "three causes of well-being" or "three reasons for prosperity." It is believed that if humans are able to stay in balance and harmony with the following three aspects, well-being in life is assured.

1.Be in harmony with human beings through cooperation and promoting compassion.
2.Be in harmony with the environment through the care and preservation of nature.
3.Be in harmony with the Supreme God through rituals, ceremonies and daily offerings.


Mujer rezando Bali

Rwa bhineda literally means "two opposites". The Balinese believe that everything that exists is a duality and precisely its existence is what brings a cosmic balance to the universe. If there is good, there must also be evil to bring balance. Birth balances death, joy balances sadness, youth balances old age, positive balances negative, health balances sickness, etc. The universe is constantly adjusting to achieve the perfect balance. It is similar to the more familiar concept of yin-yang in Taoism.

To symbolize the rwa bhineda in everyday life, the Balinese often use the colors black and white. Black symbolizes evil, while white symbolizes good as can be seen in black and white checkerboard patterned fabrics calledpolengthat decorate temples, figures and sacred trees.

Rwa bhineda is so deeply embedded in Balinese life that it is practically part of their way of life. For example, they believe that it is not prudent to celebrate happiness excessively, since it is temporary and over time it will be balanced by sadness. In turn, they know that the feeling of sadness will also be balanced with that of joy in the future.


Espelmas religión

In Bali, what can be seen (the material) is called Sekala and translates into a colorful world of ceremonies, rituals, dances and theater. What cannot be seen, what is hidden and immaterial is what they call Niskala, which can be translated into "the message" underlying the parades,  the rites and the magic underlying the dance._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Niskala is populated by both good and evil spirits, deceased relatives, beings close to humans in nature but have never incarnated, and various types of gods. This extends to Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma and ​​others, who are capable of harm or good depending on how the person has treated them. The offerings are an indispensable part  for this and serve as a communication device expressing love, acceptance and respect  (and even fear) towards these inhabitants of another world since for Balinese both Sekala and Niskala are present in their daily life.

On some occasions, the worlds of Sekala and Niskala meet and become indistinguishable, such as during the calonarang dance, which dramatizes the relationship between good and evil, order and chaos, and invisible powers assume an almost tangible form where participants enter an altered state of consciousness, enslaved by benevolent or demonic forces. These are some of the most dramatic and haunting shows in Bali. 


  • Pura or Balinese temple

  • Balinese offerings

  • sacred mount

  • Barong and Rangda

  • Balinese special calendar

  • Traditional costume

Chica balinesa


Templo balinés

Bali is popularly known as the "island of the Gods" but also as the "island of a thousand temples". It houses at least 20,000 temples, although it is estimated that it could exceed this figure and even reach 50,000.
We must know that in each Balinese home they have their own family temple and in each town they have a minimum of three temples (called Pura): Pura Puseh (dedicated to the God Brahama, the creator God), Pura Desa (dedicated to the God preserver of life, Wisnu) and Pura Dalem or temple of the dead (dedicated to the God of death and reincarnation, Siwa Durga).
There are also the 9 main temples in charge of protecting Bali from the forces of evil called "Pura Kahjangan Jagat", the temples located on the coast, the temples dedicated to purification... and much more. That is why in Bali spirituality is seen and felt in almost every corner...


ofrenda balinesa

The offerings are a way of giving thanks to the Gods  but also to maintain a balance between good and bad spirits. The components of the offering are: Fire (incense to send the prayer to the Gods and also purify the environment of bad energy), holy water (to purify the offering that we deliver to the Gods) and the flowers of 4 colors. They are normally offered to the Gods in the morning or at night and are placed at the entrance of the home and in the family temple, as well as at business entrances, so the traveler must be careful not to step on them.  Types:

  • Canang Sari, the simplest and the one we always see in houses and temples.

  • Banten Saiban. It does not carry flowers, only food and is offered before or after lunch.

  • Gebogan, the most elaborate, built forming several floors of fruit and other foodstuffs. It is made on very special occasions 


Gunung Agung Bali

The Agung or Gunung Agung is a volcano with an altitude of 3142 m and from a distance it appears to be perfectly conical. At the summit it has a deep crater with a diameter of 800 meters. Among the four sacred mounts or mountains of Bali (Agung, Batur, Batukaru and Abang) Gunung Agung is the most sacred for the Hindus of the island. In Bali they believe that the mountains are the abodes of the Gods and Agung is the home of Mahadewa, the supreme manifestation of God Shiva.
The Balinese believe that Mount Agung is a replica of Mount Meru, the central axis of the universe. One legend holds that the mountain is a fragment of Meru, brought to Bali by the first Hindus. Bali's most important temple, Pura Besakih, is located on the slopes of Gunung Agung.


Danzas balinesas

Barong is said to be the king of spirits and the leader of the armies of good. His enemy is the evil widow Rangda, the demon queen or witch who rules the army of Leyaks (demons that have floating heads from which entrails hang. She is also portrayed as a ruthless and bloodthirsty sorceress who devours children. Both characters present in the myth the eternal battle between good and evil, since both face each other in a supernatural combat and that in turn both represent the opposition of elements: the masculine and the feminine, light and darkness, and good and evil wrong.
Each town has in its own temple one or more Barongs and Rangdas. 


calendario balinés

Bali is governed by two calendars: the Saka Calendar, which is based on lunar cycles, and the Pawukon Calendar, which originates from Bali's rice growing cycles. The Saka calendar is quite similar to the Gregorian calendar. However, the Pawukon calendar system is unique and quite difficult to read or understand if you are not Balinese.

Saka Calendar:It is based on lunar cycles. The year is divided into 12 months consisting of 29 to 30 days each, beginning each month after the New Moon. Every 30 months an extra month is added to keep the calendar in sync with the solar year.

The Saka calendar is the calendar that for example determines the date of the Balinese New Year, Nyepi.

Pawukon Calendar:A Pawukon year consists of 6 months of 35 days per month, making a total of 210 days in a year. Pawukon sets the date for many of the traditional Balinese holidays and festivals such as Galungan and Kuningan, Sarasawati or other grand ceremonies that take place every year (equivalent to 210 days)

Another interesting fact is how the Balinese keep track of their birthdays. Every Balinese has an international birthday, which is the person's actual date of birth. But they also have a Balinese birthday, which is based on the Pawukon calendar and is not related to the actual date. So every 210 days, the Balinese celebrate their birthday. This day is called"fall"and is celebrated with offerings and a small ceremony. So there are no big parties every 210 days. The younger generation celebrates its international birthday today with a party and gifts.


Viaje mujeres

The Balinese dress in the traditional way for all religious acts and popular festivals, whether at home or in temples, but also for important meetings, events and festivals of a cultural nature such as the graduation of a young person or the opening of a business.
It is easy to see them wearing this colorful clothing once a month for the full or new moon, either for rituals and ceremonies or for temple anniversaries, which normally coincide with one of these lunar phases.

-Blouse normally called lacekebayawhose design will vary according to the event that is going to attend.

For religious ceremonies in the temple: the neckline should not be excessively plunging, the shoulders should not be exposed, and the sleeves should be below or slightly above the elbows. Similarly, for religious ceremonies in the temple, the two colors of holiness are white and yellow, so attending with one of these colors will be considered an act of respect and purity. The more sacred the ceremony, the more emphasis this norm takes. In more common acts it is normal to see young people wearing brightly colored and fashionable kebayas.
Parties and events: The design of the kebayas enjoys more freedom and is not so strict and we find elaborate blouses with beautiful inlaid stones and very feminine and modern designs.
For funeral acts such as cremation: the kebaya must be dark, with black being the star color.
Under the kebayas they usually wear corsets to further stylize their figure.
selendang is the woven ribbon, normally silk crepe, which is tied at the waist in combination with the other colors chosen.
SarongIt is what we know as "pareo".
There are many colors and designs and of many qualities and prices depending on the fabric and if there is hand embroidery.


For men, the traditional Balinese costume consists of a white shirt and a Songket Kamben ( pareo type)with an overlay calledsaput. It comes with a decorative border and is usually white or patterned, a sash and headdress  calledudeng.

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