Bali dresses up for a party
It is almost impossible to visit Bali and not coincide with some public religious ceremony, holiday or event. Its calendar is marked by an endless number of sacred days and important dates that are another example of its unalterable traditions and the cult of its religion. From B de BALI we always invite travelers who really want to delve into the magical Balinese culture to be part of a ceremony in the case of coincident dates. In addition, all our itineraries are an invitation to discover its true essence by living rituals as any Balinese would. Here we show you its main sacred days, festivities and leisure events that you probably were unaware of and will surely surprise you...
Nyepi day or day of silence
Ngembak Geni
Galungan & Kuningan
Sarasvati day
Banyu Pinaruh
Pagerwesi Day
Tumpek Landep
Tumpek Kandang
Tumpek Wayang
tumpek uduh
Tumpek Krulut
Waysak Day
Purnama, Tilem and Kajeng Kliwon
purnama kedasa
The most important festivities are undoubtedly the Balinese New Year called Nyepi and colloquially known as "day of silence" and the Galungan & Kuningan festival, which lasts 10 days and is celebrated every 210 days following the special Balinese calendar. The most common ceremonies are those that follow the lunar cycle and therefore take place every month. These are Purnama (full moon), Tilem (new moon) and Kajeng Kliwon (every 15 days), Purnama being the most revered.
To commemorate the start of the Hindu New Year, Nyepi Day marks one of the world's most unique religious celebrations: it's a day of complete silence where the entire island of Bali shuts down in total peace and quiet for 24 hours (it even closes its airport ). Bali's roads will be devoid of people, vehicles and activities, and the Balinese people will spend the day fasting and resting in contemplation and meditation from 6am to 6am the next day. Throughout these hours, everyone stays indoors, whether in family homes, resorts, or villas. No one will be able to work, seek entertainment or pleasure or even travel. In fact, many devout Hindus will not speak or eat at all. When night falls, all of Bali is shrouded in total darkness as a blanket of stars covers the Balinese sky.
The only people to be seen out in the open are the Pecalang, traditional security men who patrol the streets to make sure that prohibitions are followed. In most cities, towns and areas outside of the main hotels and resorts, the local government has decreed that WIFI, radio and television signals must be turned off so that the spirit of Nyepi can be fully observed and appreciated._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
During this day the evil spirits visit Bali to do evil and the Balinese people with their silence deceive them into believing that the island is deserted. The day before Nyepi is the day "Pengerupukan" or "Tawur Kesanga"which is when the "Mecaru" ceremony is held to harmonize the universe and neutralize the forces of evil. The small ceremonial act is carried out in front of each house. In addition, the eve of Nyepi apart from the ceremonies, since the early '80s theOgoh-Ogoh, which is a lively procession ( Ngrupuk ) through the streets of each city and village with statues that are usually in the form of mythological beings based _d04a07d8-9cd1-3299-9149 -20813d6c673b_in Balinese Hinduism. The Ogoh-Ogoh symbolize the forces of evil, so they always have the shape of "Raksasa" or "Celulu" (evil characters from Hindu mythology). Once the procession is over, the ogoh-ogoh must be burned, an act that symbolizes the elimination of evil. Currently there are many ogoh-ogoh that are not burned at the end of the procession but are exposed for a few days so that people can admire them due to the long time invested and the cost for their realization. A few days before Nyepi day, the ceremony ofMelasti, which is a massive purification ceremony on the beach (each town is assigned a different one) where all the sacred figures and objects from the temples are moved to the sea where they will be purified in a great morning ceremony.
Next dates: March 4, 2022
Ngembak Geni also known as "forgiveness day" takes place one day after Nyepi, one of the most important events in Balinese culture. After a day of reflection and self-introspection, the Balinese will proceed to engage in daily social activities that they were prohibited from engaging in during Nyepi, these social activities are complemented by performing a wide range of traditional rituals and ceremonies as a community at the same time as visit friends and family. One of the most important aspects of this day is that the Balinese will apologize to each other for any wrongs that may have been committed during the year.
Next dates: March 5, 2022
After Nyepi, Galungan is one of the most important festivals for the Balinese, held every six months. This is a time of grand celebration, transforming the island into a boisterous, colorful and festive haven of activity.
Galungan celebrates the creation of the universe and the triumph of dharma (good) over adharma (evil). It also marks the beginning of the 210-day Balinese Pawukon year. The key days are Hari Raya Galungan, which celebrates the deities and ancestral spirits of deceased relatives who descend to Earth and lasts for 10 days until the Kuningan celebration, which symbolizes the deities who They ascend to heaven again. The spirits of deceased relatives return to visit their former homes and the Balinese have a responsibility to be hospitable and welcome their ancestors through prayers and offerings in their homes.
The day after Galungan is called "Manis Galungan" and during this day families usually go out to enjoy the day at the beach or somewhere in nature so the roads will be busier than usual. During the days leading up to and the ten days of the festival, temples and houses will be decorated with colorful elements and "penjor": tall bamboo trunks finely decorated with corn cobs, woven palm leaves, yellow or white cloth, and young coconut trees and offerings suspended from them, lining roads and houses. The tallest penjors symbolize mountains which are considered the best places for prayers as they are closest to the gods. The women carry fruit on their heads in baskets to offer as offerings; creating a truly spectacular scene. All schools in Bali are closed for 2 weeks during the holidays. Hari Raya Galungan is the climax of Galungan; Balinese people dress in their best traditional clothes and attend temple prayers with their families and bring offerings to share. It is a day to remember the long lineage of their ancestors and the beautiful history of which they are part. The Balinese reconnect and renew their commitment to try to make tomorrow a better day and to get better every day. Local temples are lively and colorful in Galungan; a beautiful moment to observe the most fascinating part of Bali's spiritual culture.
Next dates:
Galungan: November 10, 2021- Kuningan: November 20, 2021
Galungan: June 8 - Kuningan: June 18, 2022
Saraswati is the goddess of the arts and knowledge, she represents the flow of wisdom and consciousness, she is also the mother of the Vedas. Saraswati is the daughter of Lord Shiva and Goddess Durga. She endows human beings with the power of speech, wisdom and learning.
Saraswati day, also known as "knowledge day" is celebrated in Bali every 210 days according to the Balinese calendar.
During this day, schools and institutes throughout the island will be inundated with students dressed in their best ceremonial finery for a community prayer session. The books will be blessed with offerings of fruit, flowers and holy water. Students take this opportunity to pray for guidance with future studies and to lead a harmonious life that adheres to the basic guidelines of Hinduism.
The Balinese will also flock to temples and other holy places on this day. Like the students, they will bring offerings to show appreciation, for knowledge is something that can free them from darkness. However, on the afternoon of Saraswati Day, Balinese Hindus are not allowed to read or write a book because all the books have been offered. On the morning after Saraswati Day, it is celebrated"Banyu Pinaruh"which is a continuation of the Saraswati festival itself. The faithful go to the beach or temples to bathe and purify themselves in the well-known cleaning ritual called "melukat". This marks the final touch to the festival as Balinese Hindus demonstrate their eternal gratitude to Almighty God, personified by the ethereal Goddess Saraswati.
Upcoming dates: August 28, 2021-March 26, 2022-October 22, 2022
Pagerwesi is one of the holiest days in Bali and is celebrated every 210 days in the Balinese calendar, specifically three days after Saraswati, the day of knowledge. The reason for this is that after the celebration of divine knowledge and inspiration during Saraswati, Pagerwesi is observed to protect this knowledge and inspiration from evil forces._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_On this day, Balinese Hindus honor the Sang Hyang Pramesti Guru (also known as the deity Siva) as the "master" of the universe, responsible for eliminating all evil and evil entities from the world. Sang Hyang Pramesti Guru teaches people how to live their lives properly, without succumbing to bad behavior and ill desires. This is a day when the Balinese strengthen their minds and souls against the forces of evil.
In many regions of Bali, Pagerwesi is considered a very important holy day, celebrated in a similar way to Galungan day. Similar to other holy days in Bali, celebrations take place in homes and temples all over the island. Many people erect "penjor" (tall decorated bamboo poles) similar to during Galungan and make offerings to the deceased awaiting cremation. The Balinese show their gratitude and pay their respects to Sanghyang Pramesti Guru (Siva), who is believed to be the most respected Guru (teacher), guiding them in this universe from birth, protecting them during their lifetimes, and transforming them later when they die. Pagerwesi Day is also a day when an ancient battle between good and evil is celebrated. Pagerwesi is also unique compared to many other Balinese ceremonies in that it takes place at night.
Upcoming dates: September 1, 2021-March 29, 2022-October 25, 2022
Tupek Landep is a Balinese ceremonial day in which offerings are made for objects made of metal. The word tumpek means "close (to)" and the word landep means "sharp".
In the early days of Balinese Hinduism, the keris (dagger) was one of the few objects that was made of metal. The keris was a commonly used weapon in battle and was considered a sacred spiritual item with magical powers, which played an important historical role and still does today. The keris is also a symbol and a metaphor that tells you to be as "sharp" in your thinking as possible. In Tumpek Landep, Hindus on the island pay their respects to metal objects, especially keris, which are believed to possess spiritual powers.
The ceremonies begin in the morning at the village temples, where people gather to present offerings and pray to God for their tools made of metals such as iron, bronze, gold, etc. Then, in the home enclosures, additional ceremonies and blessings are performed. In modern times, other objects containing metal, such as computers, may be honored. In the household sphere, Hindus offer kitchen utensils such as knives, stoves, cutlery and other metal items that support the life of the home. Farmers create offerings for tools like sickles, hoes, tractors, plows, etc. that support their livelihoods. Most of the Balinese believe that these ceremonies and blessings will bring them luck and keep them safe. Today offerings are also placed on their vehicles, including bicycles, motorcycles and cars to ask for safety on the roads. Cars and motorcycles are often decorated with offerings made from young coconut leaves, out of respect for the metal used for the vehicles that transport humans on this earth.
Upcoming dates: September 11, 2021-April 9, 2022-November 5, 2022
Tumpek Kandang is the day to worship Sang Hyang Rare-Angon, the God of animals. The name Tumpek Kandang is derived from two words, "Tumpek" meaning Saturday and "Kandang", the Balinese word for domestic animals such as cows, pigs, chickens, ducks, dogs and birds, all of which are highly valued by the Balinese. .
Cows in Bali are treated better than other animals because they help farmers plow the rice field so they are washed and dressed in human-appropriate clothing and special cone-shaped coils of coconut leaves are attached to their horns. .
Human life is heavily assisted by animals, especially to meet the needs of food, work, religious ceremonies and economy.
Ancient Balinese records state that at Tumpek Wayang, the god Shiva grants a demon permission to devour a child born on this day. To protect newborns, the Balinese perform a special symbolic ceremony called
Upcoming dates: July 3, 2021-January 29, 2022
On this special day, ceremonies related to the arts take place, specifically the traditional performance art form of shadow puppetry or wayang. Offerings are made to the masks and puppets of characters involved in traditional theatrical art and are also spiritually cleansed through ceremonies. Prayers are also held for the arts to be sustainable, enjoyable and bring good fortune. This festival brings together puppeteers who perform purification rites (ruwatan) to purify their bodies both physically and mentally.
Some believe that Tumpek Wayang is an unlucky day, similar to Friday or Tuesday13 in the West. Balinese mythology describes the story of an inappropriate sexual encounter between the god Shiva and the goddess Uma, which resulted in the birth of Dewa Kala, a terrifying demon.
Ancient Balinese records state that at Tumpek Wayang, the god Shiva grants a demon permission to devour a child born on this day. To protect newborns, the Balinese perform a special symbolic ceremony called Sapuh Leger to ward off demons and prevent harm to the child. The Sapuh Leger ceremony requires the participation of a puppeteer, who plays special puppets as part of the ceremony. However, the Balinese also believe that the god Ishvara manifests on earth at this time to protect humans from evil and provide enlightenment. Enlightenment is believed to come in the form of artists, endowed with the powers to create art.
Next dates: June 7, 2021
During this day a special ceremony is held for the Balinese percussion instrument called gamelan and essential in major ceremonies. Hindus believe that its sound is a representation of God Iswara and for this reason it produces a beautiful and harmonious sound. The gamelan is sprinkled with holy water. in a purification ritual along with offerings. This ceremony usually takes place in the town temple. Tumpek Krulut is also known as the day of compassion and love (Krulut comes from the word lulut which means love) so Hindus not only pay affection to gamelan but also towards people . Without love and happiness, life goals will not be achieved. Like Valentine's celebrations, the Balinese celebrate the day of love by greeting each other, hugging, exchanging gifts as a form of affection and being charitable to the less fortunate.
Next dates: May 29, 2021
Tumpek Uduh is a ceremony that is performed to pay homage to nature and maintain balance and harmony with it (Tri Hita Karana). Offerings are made to all trees and plants.
This day is a symbol of gratitude for fertility and the abundant and healthy crops that are produced. Blessing ceremonies are held at farms and plantations throughout the island. The God Sangkara has the honor of keeping plants and trees alive and fertile, as well as protecting them from pests and anything that might harm them. Therefore, they will produce abundantly and human life will benefit. To show gratitude, the Balinese offer fruit, flower offerings, and bubur sumsum (traditional porridge), dusted with coconut and liquid brown sugar. Tumpek Uduh is also related to the protection of the environment, especially the conservation of trees. This tradition is particularly emphasized in the agricultural areas of Bali.
Upcoming dates: October 16, 2021-May 14, 2022
Siwa Ratri is a time for introspection and meditation, during which the Balinese pray for the forgiveness of their earthly sins, for the support and strength of the god Siwa (Shiva) to reach their higher self. Part of these rituals involve fasting and staying up all night, which is why Siwa Ratri is also known as the longest night.
Siwa Ratri begins with a morning prayer, which usually ends at 6:00 am. The ritual generally consists of three fasting activities:
Upawasa: do not eat or drink for 24 hours
Fasting is a method of self-control and reflection to achieve spiritual enlightenment.
Monabrata: do not speak for 12 hours
Silence is a method to learn not to speak impulsively and to choose honest and kind words; do not speak ill or lie; and learn to listen more attentively.
Mejagra: no sleep for 36 hours
Not sleeping is a technique to train ourselves awake and aware of our approach to life that should always be done with a conduct of insight and wisdom.
Next dates: January 1, 2022
It is a national holiday observed both in Bali and throughout Indonesia to honor and celebrate Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Vesak, the day of the full moon in the month of May, is the holiest day in the Buddhist lunar calendar.
Next dates: May 26, 2021
PURNAMAmeans full moon in Indonesian but also complete, infinite and perfect. It is believed that on this day the moon god Chandra is showering his blessings and magic on people by offering his light, reminding them of their own inner light. And as the universal peace mantra "Om Purnamada Purnamidam" suggests: "from plenitude arises plenitude" as a universal principle. By making offerings on a full moon day, honoring its fullness, more of this fullness is invoked in everyone's life. This includes good harvest and plenty, which is why the Balinese often plant their crops, especially fruits, on a full moon day.
Every full moon is honored by the Balinese people preparing offerings of fruit, food and flowers, dressing in the traditional way, visiting the local temple, reciting mantras and sacred scriptures, as well as gathering in prayer, ritual and meditation._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Purnama Sasih Sadha, as full moon celebrations are called, usually lasts from morning to midnight. Purnama is undoubtedly the most popular day to perform the Melukat purification ritual. The day after Purnama is called "manis purnama" (literally translated as "sweet full moon") and although not as popular as during the full moon, it is also an auspicious day to perform the ritual due to its intense energy.
TILEM On the new moon, the Balinese celebrate Tilem (a term referring to the darkness of a moonless night). It is similar to the Purnama celebration, except that on this day, the Balinese pray to Surya, the sun god, for the blessing of light to guide them in the darkest night. Tilem is believed to be a special day to purify the inner self and eliminate. all impurities within the human being. The new moon symbolizes new beginnings, new projects and Melukat purification rituals are also focused on asking for guidance, help and success to achieve goals.
KAJENG KLIWON Kajeng Kliwon day falls once every 15 days and is a holy day for Balinese Hindus. It is also a good time for the ritual of physical and spiritual purification in addition to getting rid of energy and evil spirits in residential settings through specific ceremonies. It is also a good day to get rid of pests that plague agricultural fields. According to some Balinese, Kajeng Kliwon is an auspicious day for bhuta kala (evil spirits) to go berserk and create chaos between humans and nature. As such, the Balinese will visit temples to pray and meditate and remind themselves to watch their thoughts and feelings. As an expression of respect for supernatural and other invisible forces, they will also present offerings in their backyards, front doors, and other important places. If you are in Bali on this day, you will most likely see a lot of ceremonies in almost every street corner, house and temple as Kajeng Kliwon is also an auspicious day to hold certain ceremonies if it is considered so by the High Priests of the Una religion. Once every 210 days, the special day of Kajeng Kliwon called Kajeng Kliwon Pemelastali or Watugunung Runtuh is celebrated.
ANDIt's a major celebration that takes place after the 10th full moon on the Balinese calendar and thousands of devotees attend festive rituals at the island's temples. The Balinese believe that this is the day when the Supreme God Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa descends to earth to bless its inhabitants. As part of these blessings, God honors his people by bringing prosperity to the land. Locals often place offerings at temples and in their homes. Various rituals are also performed, including the Melukat, the burning of incense to ward off evil spirits, as well as the symbolic use of flower petals and grains of rice. In the Besakih temple, the "Betara Turun Kabeh" ceremony is held, in which the Gods and ancestors are invited to receive their blessings. A purification ceremony is usually held the Sunday before, with processions carrying relics and objects from the temple to holy water fonts.
Next dates: 2022
Odalan is the name given to the festival of each Balinese temple. Temple festivals are held on the anniversary of the temple's consecration, and usually on a new or full moon.
It usually lasts 3 days, but the largest ones, which occur every 5, 10, 30, or 100 years, can last 11 days or more. The Balinese honor the deities who rule the temple with offerings, performances of dance music and gamelan music. They invite them to come down from their abode on Mount Agung to participate in the activities.Each ceremony in Bali is aimed at maintaining the natural balance from positive to negative, so the Balinese do not destroy negative forces, but balance them in harmony with positive ones.
In preparation for Odalan, the temple is decorated with colored golden cloth and beautiful ornaments.
Indonesian Independence Day
pancasila day
christmas and new year
Chinese New Year
Idul Fitri
kartini day
August 17 is a national holiday celebrating Indonesia's naming in 1945 as an independent nation, free from Dutch colonial rule. Before 1945, Indonesia was a colony of the Netherlands. When Japan began to expand in World War II, Japanese leaders decided to support the independence movement in Indonesia in an attempt to push the Netherlands out of their sphere of influence. Achmed Sukarno and Muhammad Hatta collaborated with the Japanese army to reclaim Indonesia from the Dutch. On August 17, 1945, Sukarno and Hatta proclaimed the independence of Indonesia from the Dutch and Japanese authorities by announcing the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence. In 2005, the Netherlands finally recognized August 17, 1945 as the date of Indonesian independence.
Upcoming dates: every August 17
This day is an official holiday declared by President Joko Widodo in 2016. Although Pancasila Day has been recognized since 1945, the President has mandated that it be a national celebration in memory of President Sukarno's famous speech, "The Birth of Pancasila" where he outlined five principles by which the new nation should be governed. It is interesting to know that these five principles are called "pancasila" because, in Indonesian, panca means "five" while sila means "beginning". June 1 is also when Indonesia becomes independent from the Netherlands, after Japanese forces surrender to the Allies at the end of World War II.
Upcoming dates: every June 1
Christmas: Although small, the existing Christian community in Bali celebrates Christmas by going to some of their churches scattered around Bali. The rest are aware of the importance of the festivity, which is why they will decorate their shops, restaurants and hotels, as well as offering special menus for Westerners.
New Year's Eve/New Year: For the Balinese the real New Year is Nyepi but as followers of the Gregorian calendar they also celebrate the end of the year and for this reason concerts, special dinners and fireworks are usually held in the main Balinese cities as well as in some resorts.
Chinese New Year is also celebrated here in Bali. Indonesian Chinese pray during Chinese New Year celebrations at the Dharma Vihara Satya Temple in Denpasar, Bali. You will see Lion Dances, Dragon Dances, and lots of red and gold decorations that match the spirit of the Lunar New Year. Most of the hotels, villas and restaurants will offer delicious Chinese New Year themed dinners.
Upcoming dates: February 1
Upcoming dates: May 2, 2022
Idul Fitri, more commonly known in Indonesia as Lebaran, is the celebration that occurs at the end of the Muslim month of fasting, Ramadan. The Arabic meaning of Idul Fitri is "to become holy again" y It has an official duration of two days. It is customary for most Indonesians, especially Muslims living in big cities, to travel long distances to their hometowns and villages and join family for holidays near the end of the holy month.The Idul Fitri holiday period is characterized by attending community prayers in the mosque or in large public squares, being charitable, asking for forgiveness from people who have been harmed and celebrating together when the fasting month of Ramadan is completed. On the morning or afternoon of Hari Raya Idul Fitri, Indonesian Muslims celebrate a big party with family members where they eat a big menu. If we compare con with the Christian religion, it is the closest thing to Christmas.
Raden Adjeng Kartini (April 21, 1879 – September 17, 1904) was a prominent Indonesian national hero from Java. She was a pioneer in the field of girls' education and women's rights in Indonesia and is known for being the country's first female feminist. Born to an aristocratic Javanese family in the Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia, she attended a Dutch-language primary school. She aspired for higher education, but the option was not available to her or to other girls in Javanese society. He came into contact with various officials and influential people, including JH Abendanon, who was in charge of implementing the Dutch Ethical Policy. Kartini wrote letters about his ideas and feelings, and they were published in a Dutch magazine: From Darkness to Light, The Life of women in the village and Letters from a Javanese princess.
Her birthday is now celebrated as Kartini Day in Indonesia. He became interested in mysticism and opposed polygamy. Her sisters continued to advocate for girls' education and a fund was established in her name to finance girls' education.
Upcoming dates: every April 21
Our favourites:
Bali Spirit Festival
Bali Arts Festival
Ogoh Ogoh Procession
Mekare-Kare ( Tenganan )
The annual Bali Arts Festival is a good opportunity to witness traditional performances and other cultural highlights from Bali and Indonesia at the Taman Werdhi Budaya Art Center in Denpasar. Hundreds of artisans from the eight provinces of Denpasar and Bali, neighboring islands and even international art companies will be on hand to display their works. In addition to live performances, visitors can also enjoy craft, painting and sculpture exhibitions, as well as a traditional Balinese food festival every day. This annual event is held annually from the second or third Saturday in June to the second or third Saturday in July.
Next dates: from July 7 to 12, 2021
Bali Spirit Festival is held annually in Ubud and brings together yoga practitioners, dancers, musicians and people drawn to spirituality and personal growth from all corners of the world, coming together to inspire each other and nurture the potential of each individual. During the days of the festival, more than 300 workshops of all kinds are held. You will be able to practice various types of yoga such as Vinyasa, Kundalini, Hatha, Jivamukti, Ashtanga and new and exciting modalities such as Laughter Yoga, Acro Yoga, Biodynamic Yoga, Shamanic Yoga Flow, as well as holistic workshops complementary to yoga like Kirtan, Sound Healing. etc. In addition to yoga, dance and music, you can meet and learn from world-renowned teachers and experts offering a wide range of topics on personal development, conscious movement and healing or experience group sessions for a deeper and more authentic connection. . In addition to classes, workshops and lectures, concerts with international musicians are held every night.
Next dates: from April 5 to 10, 2022
Ogoh Ogoh is a lively procession called "Ngrupuk" through the streets of every city and village with statues that are usually shaped like mythological beings based _d04a07d8-9cd1-3239- 9149-20813d6c673b_in Balinese Hinduism. The Ogoh-Ogoh symbolize the forces of evil, so they always have the shape of "Raksasa" or "Celulu" (evil characters from Hindu mythology). Once the procession, which includes gamelan music, is over, the ogoh-ogoh must be burned, an act that symbolizes the elimination of evil. Currently there are many ogoh-ogoh that are not burned at the end of the procession but are exposed for a few days so that people can admire them due to the long time invested and the cost for their realization.
It is a very festive atmosphere and a fun way to end the day before the arrival of the "day of silence".
Tenganan and the Aga, the oldest tribal people in Bali, celebrate every year (between June-July) and for a month, their most important religious festival called Usaba Sambah. The highlight of the festival religious is undoubtedly the duel Mekare-Kare in which men are supposed to demonstrate their maturity by fighting among themselves. It is a duel in rotation ( approximately 3 hours) and must be followed by all the men of the town (started as a teenager). After the ceremony, all the scars are treated with traditional ingredients such as turmeric, very powerful for healing wounds. Philosophically, this duel is dedicated to the worship of God Indra, the God of war. During this festival, you will also be able to see how the single and virgin girls and boys of the village swing on multiple swings as a tradition since ancient times. Remember that the Aga tribe is only allowed to marry people from the same clan.
Writers and Readers Festival (Ubud)
Jazz Festival ( Ubud )
Food Festival ( Ubud )
kite festival
sanur festival
Balinale (International Film Festival)
International triathlon